February 23, 2007

Bringin the Noise

Ello everyone!!!!
So I'm the latest to join this crazy INSANE blogger world, and straight up...I'm so excited! Now, I know there are MANY fashion blogs, some good, some bad, so good thing I'm here to help step it up a notch! This is for those who like to have fun with fashion, like me! Being a model though, I have to dress a certain way..damn it, plain, solids, neutrals.

But anyway, to create a fun stylish aura, I've posted Kelis, because c'mon, who works it out better than Kelis right? Let's just ignore that weird pink hair she's been rockin' lately..everyone has their off days...right?
Welcome to my blog and prepare for some Model Misbehaviour


Anonymous said...

I'm about to link you in our blogroll. Have a nice day.

Tru said...

sure I'll trade links with you, please return the favor

.m. said...

thanks so much guys, and stay tuned!

Elizabeth said...

sure I'll trade links with you! did u say ur a model? i am just starting out as one... i still need classes.


.m. said...

i've done a bit of modeling when i was younger, catalog stuff, nothing major, so i don't really consider myself to be a model

are you paying for classes tho? you might have to look into it, see where it will take you because i've heard of girls getting ripped off by those places :S

Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for the love... stay tuned for more from the fashionation crew...

Anonymous said...

I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link